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We live in a universe which is at least hundreds of million billion times bigger than the distance between the two cosmic objects like Earth and its Moon. In this immensely vast universe homo sapiens, from whom the modern humans descended, had appeared a couple of hundred thousand years ago.  Only about ten thousand years ago the humans, who mostly lived on hunting, had entered the period of activities leading to the development of civilizations. With the rise of different centres of civilizations different understandings of the origin of things and human`s place in the creation had emerged, and competitions among civilizations had ensued. The population in these civilizations had been organized by different political processes, which could strengthen the power of competition and ensure security of survival and/or dominance over  the competitors. Tyranny had been the most usual method of control and rule. The majority were used for the purpose of securing the interests of the tyrants. The other method was based on the loyalty to power bestowed on families or religious authorities in a hereditary manner. These elites were supposed to ensure the security and well beings of the population. The ideas of kingship and priesthood were parts of this political system. In more recent time the ideas of democracy, where people would choose freely their representatives who would represent their interests in the society, had come in the forefront.

In the world today, although the idea of democracy as a political process has increased all across the globe, tyranny and elitism still remain the undercurrent of politics in many parts of the world. The drive for competitions, security and dominance still decide the main forces of political dynamics among nations ruled under different varieties of democracies. The nations pursue their politics based on the market forces of economic competitions, military security against ambitious powerful nations, and desire of a few to secure benefits and advantage over others by perpetuating disparities between the rich and the poor.

The political processes in most democracies are amalgamations of interests of a few economically powerful ones against the majority, who strive to find ways of survival and security for themselves and their families, and the expression of free will of the people, who are kept ignorant and unaware of the adverse consequences of their political choices. Economic elites make use of all means to manipulate and infiltrate the personal spaces of the illiterate and the less aware mass, and draw benefits through market mechanism of the modern economic system. As long as the old method of ruling function in the disguise of democracy, the traditional tyranny and elitism do not become  so visible on the surface.

The democracies, which do not serve the interests of the economic elites, or the global market power, which exploits the resources to serve the interests of the richer part of the world, cannot exist in the long run without falling into anarchy and chaos unless the population of these nations remain highly  educated, and alert about the possibilities of human evolution to higher goal beyond the values of the market and consumption. Only nations, where population is highly educated and carries progressive vision and values  and is able to see humanity as a family of their own, may be able to steer away from the monstrous rules of politics which keep the human society bound to the primitive impulses.

For democracies to succeed in providing opportunities to people  to find more fulfilled path of development of the self and the society, and finding meaning of living by sharing knowledge, information and prosperity with others, which can make earthly life an arena of interaction for the higher social evolution of man, people need to act beyond the need and greed of the animal instincts of security, survival and dominance and the chaos of the market competitions.

To bring forward the development of such a society Anup Rej discusses the ideas of an enlightened world and the vision of an Enlightened Democracy which is based on  his understanding of the greater cosmos and the existence of cosmic consciousness which pervades all.

Starting with the questions of the creation of the cosmos and the existence of God, he divulges on the most fundamental questions like the relations among the body, the mind and the spirit and the meaning of the moral question what is right or wrong. Based on these understandings he formulates the ideas of an enlightened world and envisions an enlightened social-order which may embrace all with love and respect and inspire to live in order to harmonize life with the dynamics of the whole, where the higher consciousness acts as the foundation of order and symphony of the universe.

Besides formulating ideas and professing his vision, he proposes strategies to implement ideas in the context of the existing situations in different societies in the world and shows ways to act which may bring changes in the society where one lives. He believes in the individual acts by which civic organs, which may help to transmit knowledge and awareness of the enlightened social-order, may mushroom and spread in the society. How one may start such a process at the individual level and strengthen one`s power to bring change through networking with others is also discussed in this site.

Anup Rej  is building a cultural/enlightened retreat in one of the most scenic spot on Earth by Sognefjord in Western Norway, where philosophers, artists, musicians, authors and creative personalities as well as those who seek to bring changes in the present social order, based on universal values and visions of unity of mankind, may regularly meet in order to formulate new ideas and strategies to bring forward the movement. In this site one will get a glimpse of the CULTURE GARDEN .

For the views related to the questions of existence, which have formed the ideas of the enlightened world follow the link:


For the ideas of the enlightened world follow  the link:


For Enlightened Democracy follow the link:


For the strategy and method to build  enlightened democracy follow the link:


For Enlightened Retreat follow the link:


For more about Anup Rej follow the link:
